These images did the blog rounds a while back, but as I mentioned I got the book "Meet me at the centre of the earth" as a birthday present so had to blog the amazing work of Nick Cave..these suits make me so happy about life.
Lovely birthday celebrations this weekend..amazing presents!!..including the Calourette swing necklace I posted a while back, an amazing book of artist Nick Caves work..(i'll post some photos in a sec)...the list goes on..Mr Von scored so many brownie points!
This post is dedicated however to the lengths some of my friends went to on the cake front.... Cake number 1 was a replica of an amazing humpty cake found on flickr from a vintage recipe book that I attached in my email invite...and cake number 2 was..well..the Regents canal featuring dead squirrels and a rather scary voodoo looking portrait of my good self. Alas, no dregged up shopping trolly.. (apparently the Early Learning Centre don't sell miniture ones)..perhaps the squirrels spilling their gutts was enough..the cake was truly delicious...despite the diseased canal inspiration.
Thank you friends! for showing up and bringing me strange gifts and smiles...I'm very lucky indeed.
Rafael seems to have 'internet' tattooed on the inside of his bottom lip..he makes websites and does these pictures...have a gander!... and on that note..have a fabulous BHW (thats Bank Holiday Weekend... or in my case Birthday Happy Wagon!)
Dress like a little girl Courtesy of miss Selfridge, urban outfitters and TBA (really lovely stuff!..bottom images taken from their lookbook)...its all gone frilly ankle socks, velvet and peter pan collars. So Channel the 6 year old within...and don't forget your party bag on the way out.
I wasn't going to do another post today but then I stumbled across this and couldn't resist! Moe Furuya's hand fork and hand spoon, available to buy here
I've been meaning to post this beautiful magazine ever since it landed on our door step, Issue No. 5, The Love & Sex Issue is curated by the supremely talented Hugo & Marie, its a real treat, filled with beautiful engaging work from some of the best image makers in town, including my very own talented other half mr Von, designed by Studio Newwork.. with so many talented folk involved with in content and production, it was bound to be a joy to peruse...this issue is available to buy here...along with some other beautiful Hugo & Marie items..their scarves are a dream... You can view other issues of Untitled here
I am back from the land of the Green Man and enjoying my home comforts. Despite the rain, The festival was a bundle of fun. Much of our time this year was spent in the farout tent and this wasn't just about sheltering from the rain, there were some really great acts performing there, unlike last year where the main stage ruled for me with folks like Grizzly bear and Bon Iver who provided my 2009 highlights, this year was more about some new discoveries..some of which I will share here is my festival run down.... _ Friday - Friday was definitely the least inspiring day for me, I think a weirdly flat performance from the usually super super great Beirut didn't made me sad. Having seen them several years ago on the South bank when they first started promoting the album The Gulag Orkestar it was a band I was really looking forward to...not sure what happened but I still love them all the same.
I enjoyed the music of Erland and the Carnival whom graced the main stage earlier on in the day track, "Was you ever see" below.
- Saturday - A trip to the near by village for a rain coat, a bargainous tan leather satchel in the charity shop and a bottle of whisky made Saturday my dancing day. Starting in the far out tent with Avi buffalo. Unfortunately we only caught the last two songs but are off to see them at hoxton bar and grill this Saturday, tickets are still available if you like what you hear, "whats in it for?" below,
These New Puritans followed, truly amazing live... "We want war" below, crazily good video too directed by Daniel askill.
A lighter finish in the far out tent, with the tunes of Wild beasts, I ignored my boyfriend telling me they were an indie scissor sisters and enjoyed the set mucho..dancing shoes/wellies and red stripe check.
Saturday was finished of with the Flaming Lips, they emerged from a giant fanny at the beginning which I was sad to miss as I was on bar duty but I did witness Wayne Coyne's huge green lazer fingers and some giant balloons.
- Sunday - Highlights were of course Darwin Deez..Fun with a capitol F yah! they seem to be very popular with the under 16's but hey their set was an absolute joy to watch, impromptu badly choreographed dance routines and all... Joanna Newsom finished the festival off beautifully, her voice is like nothing on this earth, her first song literally took my breath away... Earlier on in the farout tent (again) Girls where really quite something and I loved their floral arrangements on stage...."Lust for life" below...see you next year..please be sunny! "Lust For Life"
No posts till tuesday i'm afraid..I'm off to green man festival tomo..I pray for sunshine..i'm not the happiest of campers..but looking forward to dancing round a field to Darwin Dees...and watching my boyfriend dribble at Joanna Newsom and her harp skills.
I'm in love with this can see more of artist Darota Buczkowska's intriguing work here - Since this post last week Darota has been in touch and attached in her email was the beautiful image at the top that I felt I should share! enjoy...
I came across Sydney based designer Ivana's work via twitter and felt compelled to post. There is some really great stuff on her site..a few of my favourite pieces above.
Andrew bush has a huge collection of envelopes that he photographs for our ephemera loving viewing pleasure. The collection began in 1992 and seems to be still growing...